About NeGSiS
The challenge to be solved!
In many orgnisations, simulation systems are often siloed, lacking data collection capabilities and designed without cross-functional cooperation between different business units. This results in missed opportunities for integrated, data-driven training bringing better performance and less use of resources, incl. instructor time.
Resource constraints highlight the need for optimizing the use of equipment, instructors, and materials. Current systems often do not support data collection for performance enhancement. Given the urgency and lack of resources, the opportunity to collaborate more effectively, we believe our technology can facilitate this imperative cooperation.
How NeGSiS meets this challenge
We provide clients with a comprehensive solution that creates the digital link among their existing systems, enabling data collection on existing instrumentation and combining it with performance and biometrics systems. This combined with data collection and reporting allows for flexible training schedules without the need for instructors being present, offloading the most scares resources.
Our software solution comprises modular digital elements, like LEGO bricks, which are customizable and can be combined to meet specific needs. We offer a range of hardware and software solutions, that enhance current simulators, to standalone prototypes suitable for various unclassified training scenarios.
Our core NeGSiS platform connects diverse systems and simulators, capturing data at high frequency and can integrate biometric devices like Garmin pulse watches and Tesla Suits for full body biometry. We have also developed specialized HoloLens software to simulate very expensive hardware, like our unclassified prototype F35 pilot helmets including the advanced Distributed Aperture System.
NeGSiS is adaptable to each client’s requirements and allows for rapid deployment post-contract. Our solutions are scalable, either as standalone or integrated systems, and are supported by quick overseas software updates and maintenance.
NeGSiS is a relative new company, ad yet having several years behind the products developed and offered to our clients. Our two founders come with the several years of experiences in different business areas and we are both having successful startups/businesses behind us.
Anders Dyhrberg – founder.
Responsible for all design, development, and software. Computer and Electronics Engineer, Specialised in Distributed real time systems and skilled within wide range of electronics and software domains.
Has previous been working 10 years within the Airport Software Industry. Nowadays experienced in software systems made for data collecting within the wind industry. Has been building flight simulators since 2006. Experienced founder since 2015; delivering software to clients like LEGO, Terma, Grundfos and Vestas.
2nd Lt. of the Reserve.
Ane Storm – founder.
Responsible for business development and all customer contact. Holding a Master’s degree in Economics; Master of Management Development, and Master of Business Development.
Specialised within defining, facilitating, and implementing data driven quality strategies. Experienced founder since 2003; delivering consulting and training services to clients like LEGO, Vestas, Siemens, Universal Robots and several public organisations at both national, regional and local level.

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